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S. R. Kalski

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Updated: Feb 4, 2019

The Journey

My study abroad adventure began Wednesday, January 9, as I embarked on my first solo trip to Europe. My flight from Chicago to Copenhagen went well – barely any turbulence and I had an empty seat next to me. Sleep was fleeting, so I preoccupied myself with in-flight movies (The Incredibles 2 + Crazy Rich Asians) and games on my phone. Arriving in Copenhagen on Thursday was a surreal feeling – I was standing on foreign soil by myself! After lugging my carry-on, backpack, and heavy winter coat while wearing a leather jacket and baseball cap through passport control to my connecting gate, I was a sweaty mess. Luckily, I had an hour to watch planes on the tarmac. My flight to Hamburg got delayed by half an hour but flying during sunset made up for it – the view was stunning!

In the clouds over Hamburg (My image)

Before I knew it, we landed in Hamburg. I picked up my luggage and easily found my shuttle driver. USAC recommended two ways to get to Leuphana University for those not with the group transportation: two trains plus a taxi or a shuttle. I opted for the shuttle, and I’m glad I did! While more expensive than public transit, it was so worth it. I was so frazzled by traveling and being in a new environment that I knew I wouldn’t have been able to navigate the trains. I kept falling asleep in the backseat – who knows what would have happened if I had fallen asleep on the train. My first attempt to speak German was with my driver, as I tried to ask about customs as we left (not needed). While stuck in traffic, he asked me about my education and family, all in German. He also made sure I found where I needed to be once at Leuphana. Overall, the shuttle service was great. Steffi, the resident director, and Daniela, the housing assistant, greeted me very warmly and soon after my host mom arrived to pick me up.

At my homestay, my host parents gave me a quick tour of the house before having a small dinner. They were very understanding of my exhaustion and encouraged me to settle in and sleep. I did just that, FaceTiming my mom before going to bed on my first night in my home away from home.


Orientation began on Friday, January 11 with a walking tour of the city. I almost missed my bus, but luckily, I made it just in time. The buses aren’t as complicated as I had expected; after a week I already know how to get home from either campus and the train station. I highly recommend anyone visiting Germany to download the DB Navigator app. With it, you can find which bus and train routes to take and book tickets. After the tour, we took the bus to the main campus for lunch at the Mensa (cafeteria) and had a more formal orientation.

Still jet-lagged, I chilled at my homestay for my first weekend in Lüneburg. USAC hosted a welcome reception for students and their host families Saturday afternoon. We had cake and some of the American students brought candy to share. Sunday was another lazy day.


This past Monday, we took a placement test in our track class. The placement test helps the USAC professors know if you are in the right track, as well as the level of the students in each track. They may suggest you move down or up, but the decision is still yours. According to the test, Track 3 is the right level for me. After that, I explored a little more of the city center with a classmate until the second part of orientation: resident permit and health insurance application. It wasn’t the most exciting thing, but still a necessary part of studying abroad.

Classes officially started on Tuesday. My track class meets Monday through Thursday, with language exams about every other Friday. My elective classes meet twice a week, but so far I’ve only had Myths and Legends. I’m enjoying them, but I am looking forward to getting further into course material.

I’ve also had many random blocks of free time that I’ve used to wander the city center. On Tuesday, I ate Döner mit Pommes (a popular Turkish food, tastes similar to gyros) for lunch with some classmates. On Wednesday, I walked around and enjoyed the weekly farmer’s market. I sat in the Mensa for quite a long time with some of my new friends until it was time for class on Thursday.

There's a farmer's market every Wednesday in front of the Lüneburg Rathaus (My image)

On Friday, we finished up orientation with a review of procedures, housing, and class registration. Later that day, we went Kegeln, a traditional German sport that’s similar to bowling. Instead of keeping score like bowling, you can play different games. We played a game similar to Black Jack – first to add up 21 in 5 tries wins. You also keep track of Pudel, gutter balls, so you can crown the Pudel König or Pudel Königin. We discovered that knocking down only three pins is almost as hard as knocking down all nine pins, which is basically impossible. After, we ate Currywurst. Yesterday, we went to Hamburg.

So far, I’m loving my time abroad. I can’t believe it’s only been a week – it has felt much longer than that, which is a good thing. If you have specific questions about studying abroad, please leave a comment below or feel free to DM me on Instagram. Tschüss!

The city center of Lüneburg (My image)
Writer's picture: Sammy KalskiSammy Kalski

This semester, I am studying abroad in Lüneburg, Germany though an organization called USAC. During the application process, I had to express why I wanted to study abroad and what my goals would be for the semester. Since I am leaving tomorrow (!!), I thought I would share my goals with you and reflect on them when the semester is over.

Goal One: Language Acquisition

My main goal for studying abroad is language acquisition. I’ve been learning German since sixth grade after discovering Spanish was a no-go, because I can’t roll my R’s. Now I am pursuing fluency as best as I can by minoring in the language. My plan for language acquisition is two-fold. The first part, of course, are my classes. I am in a language track that is comprised of three five-week courses. Essentially, I am taking a year and a half’s worth of German. My electives are Myths and Legends, which is taught in German, and Intercultural Communications, which is taught in English. I am a little nervous about the intensity of the courses, but I am ready to challenge myself.

The second part of my plan is to take what I’ve learned outside the classroom. I went on an exchange trip in high school, and my biggest regret was hardly speaking any German while I was there. My exchange partner and her friends spoke English well, so English became a crutch. This time I have promised myself – and my professor – that I will speak German as much as I can, even if I make mistakes. I’m living with a host family, so that will give me great opportunities to speak with and listen to native German speakers. I plan on keeping a small notebook to track the new vocabulary words I learn from my host family and other friends I make. I’m also excited to have German TV, movies, and books at my disposal to increase my comprehension and listening skills.

Goal Two: Make New Friends

While I am an introvert, studying abroad will be a great way for me to get out of my comfort zone and maybe, just maybe, do some socializing in real life. USAC is open to students across the country, and there are roughly 30 or so students in the Lüneburg 2019 program. I’m excited to meet them and make friends with other students who enjoy traveling and German culture as much as I do. I also chose to live with a host family to make betters friends with the locals. It’s so cool to think that upon returning home, I’ll have friends across the country and the world.

Goal Three: Increase Independence + Self-Confidence

My last goal that I have for studying is increased independence and self-confidence. Throughout high school and college, I have gained a strong sense of independence, but I know living abroad for four months would challenge me in a way I couldn’t get in the States. I will have to face some fears, such as flying alone and navigating public transportation. It will not only increase my language confidence, but it will also increase my confidence in myself. Studying abroad will be a major accomplishment in my college career, if not the biggest. Because I won’t have any of my regular support, I’m going to be the one to make decisions and find solutions on my own. I also will learn how to navigate new situations and surroundings, such as public transportation and trip planning. One thing is for sure – I will not return to the States exactly as I left them.

I’m SO excited and grateful for this opportunity. I’m planning on documenting my time abroad on the blog every week, so you can join me on my adventures here on the blog and my Instagram. Bis bald!

I can't wait to discover what adventures await! (My image)


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