There's a multitude of attitudes you can have about Valentine's Day, from being passionate to apathetic. Regardless of your sentiment about the ~commercialized~ holiday, there is something good about dedicating a day to love. After all, the Greeks had five types!
I find it interesting that many of us, myself included, don't celebrate this holiday with much sincerity. You'd think that in the dead of winter, we'd want to have something to raise our spirits.
So, I present a challenge -- celebrate Valentine's Day with passion this year! I've got ten ways to celebrate the holiday to get you started.

One: Give Valentines
Remember in elementary school when we decorated mailboxes and delivered Valentines to our classmates? Why did we stop doing that?

This is, of course, the most basic way to celebrate Valentine's Day, but it is fun to give out cute cards and candy. It's also fairly inexpensive, as Target sells themed cards for as low as $2.50!
Hand out Valentine's at work (better yet if you get the whole office involved!), deliver them to your neighbors, or share them with your family.
E-cards are another option for those working, schooling, or just staying home! A fun message will certainly break up a mundane inbox and bring a smile to someone's face.
Two: Make a themed breakfast
Since Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday, why not make a themed breakfast for the family? Sharing a meal together with the ones you love is the best way to spend any holiday, and Valentine's Day is no exception.
Pinterest has tons of ideas, such as heart-shaped bacon, red velvet waffles, and cinnamon rolls. Check my board here for some inspo! (I don't recommend scrolling through on an empty stomach.)
This could also be done with lunch or dinner; I just love breakfast food!
Three: Post five genuine comments on social media
Valentine's Day isn't limited to offline celebration, especially during the pandemic. I'm a huge supporter of being an active participant on social media rather than a secret lurker. I've found that being engaged -- through liking, commenting, and reacting -- makes me less likely to spiral into the negative side of social media.
Is there someone you follow on Instagram whose posts always lift your spirits? What about that TikToker that never fails to make you crack up? Do you love seeing a distant friend's updates on Facebook? Let them know! A genuine comment can make someone's day, and it might even make yours.
Four: Do the chore they hate the most
Maybe your spouse hates grocery shopping or your roommate hates doing the dishes, or your kid despises laundry. Or maybe there's another task or responsibility that that's making them feel overwhelmed. Show some love and do it for them.
If you don't know what to do, ask! Chances are they'll feel loved even more than you took the initiative to find out. For those whose love language is acts of service, this will be especially meaningful to them.
Five: Dance to a playlist of love songs
Jamming to good tunes is an easy mood boost and it counts as cardio. What's not to love?
Check out my Spotify love song playlist. Darling Magazine also has four love-themed playlists for every occasion, from when love is in the air to after the break-up.

Six: Write a love letter to your friends
Who doesn't love receiving a letter in the mail? Take your Valentines to the next level and write a love letter to your friends!
We don't often express our true, deep affection to the special people in our lives even though it's important. It may feel uncomfortable to share those sentiments out loud, so writing them down may be a way to counteract that. I wrote letters to my best friends over quarantine, and it felt good to express my love and appreciation.
Tell them why you enjoy being their friend, what you admire about them, and how they make your life better. Bonus points if you take some time to decorate it.
Seven: Send five encouraging text messages
This is similar to a love letter but in a shorter, digitized format. We have the best intentions to check in more often, but we get caught up in our own day-to-day routines. I know I'm guilty. Let's change that today.
Is there a friend you haven't seen in a while? Ask how they're really doing and listen. What about the friend who's stressed? Share a funny cat video or meme. A friend who's taking a leap of faith in their life? Let them know you're in their corner and are rooting for them.
Eight: Surprise a friend with Grubhub or Starbucks
Give a friend a pick-me-up with a surprise delivery. It shows you're thinking of them!
Nine: Throw a Galentine's (or a Palentine's) party
Whether in-person or virtual, make sure to celebrate those gal pals (or bros) in your life. There's nothing better than being with those who are with you for the thick and thin. No significant other required!😉
Maybe you binge rom-coms all night, relax with a spa night, or eat your weight in chocolate; the possibilities are endless.

Ten: Tell someone you love them
Tell your mom, your aunt, cat, boyfriend, child, husband, dog, girlfriend, pastor -- whoever! Life is too short to not tell someone you love them.
Do you have another way to celebrate Valentine's Day? Let me know in the comments below.