We are well into the holiday season, so I thought I'd do a special holiday edition of Friday Favorites. If you're unfamiliar with the series, the title sums it up --- I share my favorite things on a Friday. Let's get into it!

Favorite Movie(s)
Everyone has those movies you must watch for it to feel like the holidays. There's so many I could list, ranging from ones actually with a Christmas/holiday theme to those that just feel like a Christmas movie, even though it's not (Star Wars, anyone? The Chronicles of Narnia?). I chose just three movies that I love watching this time of year.
First is the classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It brings a sense of nostalgia for my childhood spent watching all the Christmas specials on ABC Family. (I also love Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys.)

Next, I love The Nativity Story. It is hands down my favorite biblical movie of all time. It balances biblical accuracy and drama incredibly well and provides unique perspectives from familiar characters, such as Mary and her parents, Elizabeth and Zechariah, Joseph, and the wise men.
The Star of Bethlehem documentary is the last of my Christmas movie picks. I don't watch it every year, but I do think about it every year. In the documentary, Frederick A. "Rick" Larson seeks to find the Christmas star using the clues from the Bible and an astronomy software. What he finds is unbelievable!
Favorite Hymn(s)
I can't seem to pick just one favorite of anything, including my favorite Christmas hymns. My two favorites are "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "O Come O Come Emmanuel." In my humble opinion, these two are severely underrated.
My favorite line in "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" is "To save us all from Satan's pow'r / When we were gone astray." It is a powerful reminder of why we celebrate Christmas in the first place.
I don't have a particular favorite line from "O Come O Come Emmanuel." I just adore the richness of the text and its expectant hope of the prophesied Savior.

Both of these hymns also happen to be in minor keys, which is another reason why I love them. Minor keys usually sound darker, more foreboding, and not as jolly as other Christmas songs. However, I think the minor key adds a weight to these songs that are reflective of the text.
(I also have to give a shout out to "Carol of the Bells" because it's "Carol of the Bells.")
Favorite Non-Hymn Music
I had to make a separate category for this one. I've been listening to instrumental music more than ever this year, and I discovered this great Christmas lofi/jazz playlist on Spotify. I think it's the perfect soundscape for any holiday activity, from card writing to Christmas dinner.
Favorite YouTube Video
Girl in Calico's Christmas video from last year still rings true in 2020. While this year's holiday stress and bustle looks different than it has in previous years, it still can detract from the true meaning of the holiday. I encourage you to take five minutes to watch this video and reflect on why we celebrate Christmas.
Favorite Tradition(s)
There are so many holiday traditions that I could name, many of which you probably participate in similar fashion. This year marks the first year I sent out my own Christmas cards, which I really wanted to do last year, but never got around to it.
I enjoyed the meditative process of writing out the cards and addresses, sticking on the stamp, and sealing the envelope with Christmas lofi playing in my AirPods.

Favorite Christmas Verse
I think my favorite Scripture for the season is Isaiah 9:6: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. This verse is a reminder that Jesus fulfills everything -- every need, every office. Whatever we lack, He is.

What are some of your favorite things this holiday season?