I literally cannot believe we are in the last quarter of the year. July, August, and September were a blur of my family vacation, commencement ceremony, and a friend's wedding. As I've said in my quarter one and mid-year reviews, I have tried to remain focused on my personal goals for the year, despite the plot twists 2020 threw at us.

The four goals that I've shared with you:
Wellness: replace chemical products with natural ones (as I can afford it)
Spiritual: finish The Chronological Bible plan
Creative: read 20 books
Personal: pass the B2 level for German fluency on Deutsche Welle
I'm still using Lush's Jason and the Argan Oil shampoo bar (it's lasting forever!!), but I'm trying a new Love, Beauty and Planet conditioner called Indian Lilac and Clove Leaf. I also tried a soap bar from Method, which feels so thick and smooth. Previously, I mentioned how the shampoo bar left my hair feeling like straw. This problem has improved over the past few months! I think that texture issue was a result of my hair adjusting to the natural products.
I researched natural deodorants (research = YouTube videos plus a few articles). I found mixed reviews on the benefits of switching to a natural deodorant. I learned that body odor is the byproduct of sweat-eating bacteria and not the sweat itself. Deodorants kill the bacteria to prevent BO while antiperspirants block the sweat glands from releasing sweat at all. Most drugstore options are a deo/antiperspirant combo. Natural deodorants work to cover up smell but don't inhibit sweating.
Overall, it sounds like switching to a natural deodorant depends your own body chemistry. One article stated it may take some trial and error to find which ingredients and scents work well with your chemistry. I haven't tested any natural deodorants yet (I need to finish what I am currently using), but when I do, I will try Native. Expect to hear more in my end-of-year review!

I can't believe I forgot to mention my Skin Balm Apothecary purchases in last quarter's review! SBA is an all-natural, all-organic small skincare business run by an incredible woman named Chelsea. This was my second purchase, which included a few repeat products and a few new ones. Some time last year, I bought the Eye Balm and the Blemish Balm and loved them both. This time around I bought the Balm Quad (Eye Balm plus all three lip balms), the Blemish Balm, and the Detox clay mask.
The Blemish Balm is literally magic! I swipe the product over any new or forming pimples and they disappear in a few days. The Eye Balm works well for curling my lashes, and I've noticed growth. I use the Eye Balm to tame my eyebrows, too. The lip balms are great as well—the scents are light and refreshing. I haven't been using the Detox clay mask as often as I should, but I loved it when I had tried the sample that came with my previous purchase.

I struggled with staying on track with my chronological reading plan this quarter. Vacations always throw off my devotion time, and I had tried to maintain my reading habit while in Utah with little success. I got frustrated many times and wanted to quit as I tried to make up the days I had missed.
I discovered the "Catch Up" button on the YouVersion app and I've used quite a bit. I won't finish the plan within the calendar year anymore, but that is okay. I set out to read the Bible in a year to increase in understanding and deepen my love for the Word, not just to check off the box.
Through this, God taught me that even though routines are important, I do not have to resign my devotion time to only the allotted time I give it in my daily routine. My relationship with God should be wrapped up in each part of my day. I can study the Word and pray at any time, not just in the morning.
I read five books, which brings me to a grand total of 13/20. I read The Miserable Mill and The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events books four and five), Fairest by Gail Carson Levine, The Rise of Skywalker novelization by Rae Carson, and Persuasion by Jane Austen.
I did not enjoy The Miserable Mill as much as I did The Austere Academy. I read these books back to back, which I think informed my opinion on The Miserable Mill. I found it to be too repetitious—which I know comes with the series. I was still pleasantly surprised by Count Olaf’s disguise. However, I loved The Austere Academy! The mystery surrounding the Baudelaire children and their fortune, and Count Olaf was expounded on and really upped the ante. I also LOVED the Quagmire triplets.
Fairest was a beach day reread. I first read this book in middle school, again in high school, and for the third time as a college graduate—I still loved it. A clever and subversive retelling of Snow White, Fairest offers a forever timely message on beauty and self-acceptance.

I had been putting The Rise of Skywalker novelization off, as I wasn't too keen on reliving many of the events in the story. I am here to tell you that Rae Carson is nothing less than a miracle worker. The pacing was smoothed out and so were some details movie left out, like the explanation of Palpatine's return (which, y'know, might have been a good idea to include in the movie, but what do I know...). The parts of the movie I did enjoy I still enjoyed in this book... and as for the parts of the movie I did not enjoy, I still did not enjoy them. (I also listened to What the Force?'s analysis of the novelization following my read and it was a vindicating experience.)
Lastly, I read Persuasion by Jane Austen for my book club. This was my first Austen novel, and I loved it! The angst, the longing, the romance *cue swooning GIF here*. Austen captures emotions and experiences that are relatable even in the twenty-first century.
I mentioned in last quarter's review that I wanted to read a book on antiracism. I read the first chapter of How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. It's my goal to finish it in quarter four.
Last quarter I created a schedule for my German learning. Consistency was lacking, and I didn't retake the Deutsche Welle test. However, I have been reading a beautifully illustrated copy of Heidi that I bought while in Germany, making a vocabulary list from it, and practicing adjective endings. I will strive for better consistency in quarter four!

Looking over these last three months showed me both success and room for improvement. How has the last three months gone for you? Tell me in the comments!